Morocco to construct a 113,000 capacity stadium for World Cup 2030

 North African country, Morocco are set to construct a new stadium that will have a capacity of 113,000 which will become one of the biggest football venue in the world.

The stadium will be built in the Benslimane city which is the capital of Benslimane Province of the Casablanca-Settat as part of the country's preparation to the 2030 FIFA World Cup to be hosted by the country.

The edifice is estimated to cost a staggering amount of €500 million which will be funded by the Moroccan monarch state to be added to the plethora of facilities developed in the country over the years in promoting football to the global stage.

The initial stage of erecting the edifice is scheduled to start in 2025 and should be ready by 2028 to be initiated in welcoming the world's biggest football stage.

The 2030 FIFA World Cup will be celebrating its centenary anniversary and Africa will be a co-host to the tournament with Spain and Portugal supporting Morocco to making it a memorable event.

The three countries won the right to host the mundial in 2030 last month at a congress held by FIFA.

The tournament will start in North American countries Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay for the first games as commemorative of the where the tournament started before reverting to the original host.

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